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Stress, Meditation, and Alzheimer's Disease Prevention: Where The Evidence Stands

12 minutes-a-day Kirtan Kriya meditation technique to improve your memory

This paper reviews how lifestyle and stress may contribute to Alzheimer’s Disease, and how meditation can reduce or slow the effects effects  of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Journal article by Dharma Singh Khalsa


Dementia prevention, intervention, and care

Dementia is the greatest global challenge for health and social care in the 21st century

The Lancet Commission on dementia reviews the best available evidence and recommends how to best manage, or even prevent, the dementia epidemic.

The Commission outlines how pharmacological and social interventions can help manage dementia.

The Lancet journal

July 20, 2017

Exercise keeps our brains healthy – but does cognitive decline lead to physical decline?

Lessening of cognitive function found to precede physical decline

Read about neuroscience researcher Matthieu Boisgontier’s unorthodox strategy for keeping fit as he ages.

Story and photos by Alex Hutchinson

March 24, 2020

Keep up with the latest developments in womens' brain health and wellness!

Finding stillness in chaos

Five yogis speak about how to cope with anxiety and fear during the COVID-19 pandemic

Story and photos by Maggie MacPherson

March 28, 2020

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